Power supply of the relay is signaled by the green LED. The sequential relay has two separate outputs R1 and R2. The contact status (closed / open) is forced sequentially according to the given program. Switching the contacts into the next state follows the next pulse of the control button. The switching of the R1 and R2 contacts is signaled by the lighting of the corresponding red LEDs R1 and R2. After a power failure, the contact status is reset. After restarting the supply voltage, the relay starts operation from sequence No. 0.
BIS-409 compatible with bell pushes equipped with fluorescend lamps. (ΣI<5mA).
Tabela mocy
The above data are indicative and will heavily depend on the design of a specific receiver (that is especially important for LED bulbs, energy-saving lamps, electronic transformers and pulse power supply units), switching frequency and operating conditions.