Implemented security features:
- voltage asymmetry between the phases
- total loss of phase
- symmetrical voltage drop in three phases
- change the order of phases
- exceeding of the phase upper voltage threshold >480 V
- exceeding of the phase lower voltage threshold <320 v="" br="">
With the right voltage conditions the contacts of the sensor contacts are closed. In the event of a voltage anomaly the sensor disconnects contacts with the appropriate time-delay. Return of the network parameters to standard conditions will reactivate the contacts with the preset delay.
Green LED [R]:
- lights - correct parameters, contact closed
- flashes - counting off the delay time of a next activation
Red LED [<U]:
- lights - voltage asymmetry or voltage below 320 V
- flashes ×1/s - incorrect phase order
- flashes ×3/s - voltage above 480 V