Turned ON staircase timer supports the lighting during set time by potentiometer (from 0,5min. to 10min.) and upon elapse of this set time a reduction by half of lighting brightness follows for about 30 seconds, after that OFF follows (thus an occurrence of a sudden darkness is avoided, enabling safe approach to the switch). After switching OFF the lighting there is possibility to switch it ON again. Function of counter blockade does not allow to keep the light-ON in case of staircase switch blocking (after blocking the pushbutton, for example by match, the timer will count the set time and switch OFF the lighting). Next switching ON can be after removing the blockade.
AS-222T nie może współpracować z lampami jarzeniowymi, świetlówkami kompaktowymi i innymi lampami z elektronicznymi zapłonnikami.
The AS-222T is not compatible with glow-discharge tubes, compact fluorescent lamps and other lighting devices including electric starters.