With open core.
Primary current 400 A
Secondary current 30 mA
For use with Energy 3 and Energy 1 FOX energy consumption monitors.
The current transformer is used to proportionally change large current intensities to lower values, adapted to the measuring ranges of control and measuring devices.
The wire with the measured current passes through the main opening of the transformer (P1/P2).This is equivalent to one winding of the primary winding. The terminals of the secondary winding S1 and S2 are connected to the terminals of the measuring circuit of the control or measuring device.
The ratio of the intensities of the currents in the two windings is a constant quantity.
This is the current ratio IPn/ISn=N, where
IPn - the rated primary current;
ISn - the rated secondary current;
N - the value of the transmission ratio.
From the value of the current flowing through the secondary winding, the value of the current flowing through the primary winding can be determined:
ISm*N=IPm, where
ISm - measured primary current ;
IPm - measured secondary current.
Recommended to connect the secondary system with a wire with a diameter of not less than 2.5 mm².
Recommended to ground the S2 terminal.
Prohibit disconnection of the secondary circuit during operation of the transformer (possibility of high voltage resulting in paralysis of persons or damage to the device).